Pubg mobile official
Pubg mobile official

pubg mobile official

After first map they can continue with 2 or 1 player. Teams has to be start with 3 players first map of match. If a team leaves the game because a team member disconnected and do not reconnect to the game, will earn zero points. If more than 15 players disconnect, the lobby will be restarted.Īfter the players start jumping off the plane, no matter how many players disconnect, the match will go on. If not possible, the team must continue the match with one man short.

pubg mobile official pubg mobile official

When all players are seen as #unknown, the lobby will be restarted.Ī disconnected player must reconnect to the game. Teaming teams will be last on the rankings without the a need for proof.Īll team captains must take the end of the game screenshots. Teaming with opposing teams is forbidden. Matches will be played on Erangel and Miramar, on sunny weather. Players must the ready at the lobby 10 minutes before the start of the match.Īll matches will be played on the most recent PUBG patch, with the standard rules on Custom Game. The players must check in an hour before the start of the match, otherwise they won’t be permitted to joi the match. (This rule is void if the player disconnects during the game) Otherwise, they won’t be permitted to enter the match. The team must be present in the lobby with at least three players.

Pubg mobile official password#

The lobby password will be given away on the PUBG Tournament Official app, and the players must move to their assigned slots.

pubg mobile official

Player who is going to stream tournament they have to host official tournament /ThunderzGamingĬheck-ins will be done at Discord Server and Via App Notification. Players may send their complaints to within 48 hours of the match.Ĭomplaints sent after 48 hours will not be taken into account. All bugs usage are forbidden.Īll illegal programs, usage of macro and third-party programs are forbidden. If Players are less than 75 The Match will be postponed untill players join count is 75+Īll visual enhancing programs are forbidden in the tournament. If the problem has affected multiple players, it’s in the PUBG Tournament official’s initiative to restart the lobby or not. If you failed to join the match we are not responsible. The lobby will not be restarted because of a problem on the players Phones or PCs. Sharing illegal programs and all third-party programs is forbidden.įlooding and spamming both in writing and verbally is forbidden.Īll players are responsible for the problems on their Phones and PC’s. Players cannot share the contact info of game master or other players without their consent. Players must speak with game masters and referees with respect. Players cannot engage with other players in a verbal manner (curse words, racism, sexism). The last standing man gets the Chicken Dinner Award. The player who failed to join the match will not get the prize. The money will be shared within the players who played the match. Make sure your PUBG Username matches with Registered PUBG Username name. If in anyway you fail to join the room by the match start time then we are not responsible for it. Make sure you join the Match Room ASAP, before the Match Start Time. Room ID and password will be shared in the app before 15 minutes of match start time. If you failed to attend Match in time you will not get any refund. Each member of a team (Squad or Duo) has to pay the entry fee and register individually for the match or tournaments.

Pubg mobile official